

学生 must make Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) towards earning a degree as stipulated in the 图表 获得ISU的经济援助.





  • SAP is evaluated annually after the spring semester following the student's first semester of enrollment as a regular degree-seeking student or at the point of awarding aid as a degree-seeking student. Some additional non-degree students may be calculated for SAP based upon funding or program rules.
  • 年度SAP评估将包括在前一个夏天尝试和获得的所有课程, 秋天, 根据学生的学位和主修bc菠菜导航来安排.  
  • Quantitative (hours attempted and earned) and qualitative (cumulative GPA) SAP progress is measured.
  • 学生 must successfully complete a minimum of 67% of the courses attempted in order to complete their degree within the maximum time frame allowed.
  • 学生学习计划(bc菠菜导航)的变化可能会改变SAP的评估, 将学生置于超过最大时间框架的风险中.
  • 学生 who begin a subsequent degree (new undergraduate or new master's or doctoral) will be evaluated for the new degree and major being pursued.
    • 学生 may need to self-identify as beginning a new undergraduate degree in order to meet SAP standards for the first SAP evaluation upon beginning a new program.
  • 在计算时符合上述标准的学生将进入 良好的信誉.
  • SAP悬挂 不符合上述要求的学生是否需要. 申请援助的资格将被暂停.
  • 学生 who have already registered for classes will remain enrolled but will not receive financial aid.
  • Rules are applied uniformly to all students for all periods of enrollment whether or not aid has been received previously.
  • 学生 who meet the SAP minimum requirements but are academically dismissed from ISU will be placed on SAP悬挂.
  • 重新确立资格:
    • 在学生提高学习成绩达到最低标准或
    • 由于不寻常和/或减轻情节的上诉被批准后
  • 学生 are held responsible for knowing SAP eligibility criteria and their status at the end of each semester. 如有疑问,请联系学生经济援助办公室.
  • 如果上诉被批准, the student's academic progress will be monitored on a per-semester basis to ensure that the student is making strides toward meeting the SAP standards.


  • 所有在ISU和其他地方学习的课程, 由注册和记录办公室认可, 被计算为尝试时数而不考虑分配的分数. 这包括每学期第7天之后的不完成、失败或退学.
  • Only courses earning grades at ISU and those taken elsewhere recognized by the ISU Office of 注册及记录 as acceptable for progressing toward degree completion will be counted as earned. (例子:A、A - B + B, B、C + C, C - D + D, D - S和P)
  • 未通过的课程, 不完整的, 撤销, 中途退学或结业,未提交成绩,计入尝试时数,不计入学分. 成绩不及格的其他课程的计算方法类似.
  • 如果是一个等级, 除了不完整, 在SAP评估后发生了什么变化, 将执行新的SAP评估.
  • 所有被指定为重修以提高成绩的课程都以修习时数计算, 但是,如果按小时计算,只计算一次.
  • 课程尝试了不止一次, 不指定为重复的成绩改进, 是算作尝试时数,还是算作通过时数.
  • Audit and non-credit classes are ineligible for financial aid and do not count in SAP calculations.
  • The official institutional GPA determined by the ISU Office of 注册及记录 is used for all qualitative measures.


  • Credit hours earned by testing or other non-standard means are counted in the SAP calculations as both hours attempted and earned. 这包括通过考试获得的学分, CLEP和CEEB测试, AP课程, 外语安置, 工作经历, 和军事经验学分.
  • 所有通过国际学生交流计划(ISEP)获得的学分, 出国留学, the Indiana College Network (ICN) and through Consortium Agreements with other institutions count in both attempted and earned calculations.
  • Remedial classes count in both attempted and earned hours calculations even though credits may not apply toward completion of degree requirements. 它们也可能影响GPA的计算.


  • 转校生将根据包装时的工作时数来考虑获得资助.
  • Complete academic transcripts must be submitted to the Office of 招生 or the College of 研究生及bc菠菜导航学习 for any academic work attempted at other institutions. A standard SAP calculation including this work and ISU hours will be run at the next scheduled increment.
  • 学生 making SAP will have aid eligibility recalculated relative to their new grade level.
  • 不及格的学生将被列入 SAP悬挂 并失去获得进一步援助的资格. (见下文上诉部分).)
  • 学生可以要求在第一学期对他们的转学时数进行评估, 但将立即对SAP的计算结果负责.
  • Returning students whose academic history would have justified SAP suspension or who were on appeal when they last attended will re-enter on SAP悬挂. (见下文上诉部分).)
  • Complete academic transcripts must be submitted to the Admission Office for any academic work attempted since the last ISU enrollment before the end of their first semester back. 包括此工作的标准SAP计算将在下一个计划的增量中运行.


  • Federal regulations forbid eliminating hours included in an 学术复兴 from SAP calculations.  因此, quantitative and qualitative SAP calculations for these students will include their full academic history.
  • Courses shown in both academic history and also as 学术复兴 Transfer Hours will only be counted once.
  • Repeated courses in this category will all be treated as hours attempted and if passed as hours earned.


  • SAP悬挂 如果不寻常和/或减轻情节影响学业进展,可以上诉吗. Such circumstances may include a severe illness or injury to the student or an immediate family member, 学生亲属的死亡, 学生活化服兵役, or other circumstances as deemed appropriate for consideration by the SAP Appeals Committee.
  • 学生必须提交一份完整的 SAP上诉表格, 其中包括一份书面声明, to the Office of Student 金融援助 explaining in detail why they failed to meet the minimum academic standards, what unusual and/or mitigating circumstances caused the failure and how their situation has improved. 你的诉求需要帮助? 访问 http://lmt.theredpillbooks.com/financial-aid/sap-tips.
  • The student will receive an e-mail of the decision made by the Appeals Committee and they can also view the decision within the MyISU portal.
  • 任何上诉批准将给予学生的学术计划, 维持援助资格的条件和时限.
  • 当上诉被批准时,援助只能恢复一个任期. 在学年的所有剩余学期中,将暂停付款, 待决上诉重新评估结果. 
  • SAP上诉委员会的所有决定均为最终决定.
  • 学生 who raise their cumulative standards to equal or exceeding the minimum requirements will be reinstated to 良好的信誉 从那时起.
  • SAP申诉必须在本学期结束前14天提交.


  • 学生 with an approved SAP appeal will be reevaluated at the end of the semester to ensure they meet their individual Academic Plans.
  • 符合学业计划的学生将被批准继续获得资格.
  • 学生 who do not meet the terms of their individual Academic Plans will be suspended for future aid. 
  • 学生 who are suspended for not meeting their Academic Plans will be allowed to file a SAP Appeal.








8:30 a.m. -中午及下午一时.m. - 4:30 p.m.


8:30 a.m. -中午及下午一时.m. - 4:00 p.m.